Salieek Endorelus

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Salieek Endorelus








(Currently) Flavor text



Salieek Endorelus is an NPC in Protochroma. He can be found in Headquarters, more specifically the Ecology in Laboratories. He was briefly introduced, albeit not by name, in the Story Winter Migration before his official release.


Salieek Endorelus' function is currently unknown, beyond flavor text.

Additional Lore


Times listed are in server time (USA Pacific, following Daylight Savings Time).

He talks about one or two topic(s) with two dialogues that rotate throughout the day. First dialogue begins at midnight, the second appears at 8AM, and it changes back to the first dialogue at 4PM. He has different dialogues for each day of the week. The exception to this is the first of the month, when the new Limited Delves appear.


"I look at the native fauna here and I can’t help but wonder if we couldn't make real use of them beyond our research efforts and general presence here. Imagine using Knuttes on space stations, Nopes as greenhouse pollinators, Tyiling dust in tranquilizers… The possibilities are only limited by our ingenuity. They could fill niches, both natural and industrial, on worlds without something suitable."
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
"I’ve been training Xivi to do delivery flights by himself. There’s not really any place on this planet to make deliveries to, granted, but he might be able to do search and rescue for those of us who aren’t so lucky or clever out in the field. Just think about a Lightcatcher coming to your rescue when a creature injures you too badly to escape. Good thing they’re friendly, right?"
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM


"The sheer amount of aggressive and dangerous species on this planet reminds me of the wasteland and jungle predators back on Ceskion, my home planet. I almost want to see how Ceskian parafauna would fare here, but that probably violates some policy or some such the IA has on invasive species. Still, it’s a fun thought exercise, no?"
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
"Someone once asked me if I ate an Emerald Chroma, because of my feathers and the paint made from them. I’m sure Sarkiri warpaint must seem strange to other races. It’s pretty nuanced, actually. It makes me wonder if we can use Essence somehow for pigments, or even like humans use cold-cathode gas lights."
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM


"You’re just in time. I got a shipment of food from home; the stuff they give us here doesn’t suit me too well. This is just quick, easy protein and keeps me going for a good while. Take one if you like."
(Before receiving snack)
"You know, you can eat some of the parafauna—sorry, creatures that live on this planet. They probably taste pretty good salted and cured. Now I’m wondering what Barkbacks taste like…"
(After receiving snack)


"Voidwalkers fascinate me. Not only are they not even native to this world, but they’re also as intelligent as any of the species part of the Intergalactic Alliance, and yet they allow us to keep them as little more than pets. I’m fairly sure they’re just happy for the free food and shelter they’re afforded with us. It reminds me of those small mammals humans keep… cats, I believe they’re called?"
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
You walk in on Salieek fitting a large male Emerald Lightcatcher with a bridle and saddle. The dragon chirps at you and his handler glances over his shoulder.
"Oh, hey. I’m just trying to find a saddle design that works with Lightcatchers; it’s harder than you’d think. See, Xivi over here has a bad habit of burning off his bridle, and there’s really no easy way to fit saddle straps around his wings without also running into his neck sails. But riding bareback is probably a bad idea, too. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually, but until then this is costing me a lot of leather."
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM


"Do you ever wonder what our colleagues did before they joined the IA? I’ve heard some wild rumors here and there. No way to know what’s true or not, of course. I’m sure everyone here is exactly what they seem at surface level and there’s no hidden secrets or deception at all."
He chuckles dryly.
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
"You wouldn’t know it by the way he acts, but Narii-Ta is such a stickler for the rules that it’s almost sad. We’re pack-based predators, but the fetcher won’t hunt with me. Says the chosen prey isn’t something we should be eating. Threatened to report me once if he caught wind of me partaking. What’s the point of having these claws if I can’t use them?"
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM


You walk in on Salieek organizing his weapons. Aside from an impressive array of firearms, there’s also a healthy collection of knives of varying sizes and complexity. Spotting you, Salieek picks one of the knives up and twirls it in his hand.
"Nice of you to stop by. I was just doing maintenance on my delving tools. You need to keep your weapons in top shape if you want to defend yourself properly. You have been doing that, right? It would be such a shame if some creature jumped you in the forest and we lost you because you weren’t prepared. Or even a captive specimen gone wrong. Anything can happen when you keep large quantities of apex predators in one facility…"
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
"By Cozion, it’s too early for me to be up. You probably wouldn’t guess it, but my species is actually nocturnal. Weird for a reptile, right? I'm sure I'd have more fun exploring the field at night, see what critters are up and about then, steal eggs from their sleeping parents, watch some Mobuluma… but no, I have to be awake when it's bright out. I would kill for a nap right now, but work calls for all of us, no?"
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM


"Curious about my capped horn? Yeah, it’s broken about halfway through. I picked a fight with something a lot bigger than me a number of years back, got away unscathed aside from a shattered horn. I did get quite a healthy sum of coin for my trouble, though, so it was barely a dent to get the horn capped. Maybe someday I'll tell you the story. Maybe not."
12:00 AM — 8:00 AM ; 4:00 PM — 11:59 PM
"You ever seen those, ah, what are they called? Teeth-Kings, I believe. Generic name Dontorex, specific name Regalis. Fascinating beasts, no? They can swallow an adult human whole, and have such powerful muscles in their tails that you're not getting away from it. Best remember that next time you encounter one."
8:00 AM — 4:00 PM

First of Any Month

"Did they find any new locales for us to harass the local wildlife this month, or just the same old hideouts? I need to set aside some time to go delving with Xivi. You’d be surprised just how many creatures here, especially in the forest, are terrified of fire. Could also be that they’re terrified of the large dragon breathing the fire, though."

While Logged Out

The door to the lab is closed. Putting your ear to it, you can hear what sounds like the scraping of metal on metal, as well as low speech you can't make out the details of.