Supply Guy

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Supply Guy






Supply Shop





Supply Guy is an NPC in Protochroma. He can be found in Headquarters, more specifically the Supply Shop.


Supply Guy sells players supplies they need for raising creatures and delving. He also gives the player a free Snack on Mondays.

Additional Lore

  • Due to being a wuss and not wanting to be left alone at home, Supply Guy followed his big brother to the Headquarters and managed to find a position he could realistically fill.
  • Chanti detests him because she has a low tolerance for "dudebro" buffooneries.


Times listed are on server time (PT).


  • "Mmmph? *crunch crunch* Sorry dude, I’m really hungry. All I could get my hands on were these chips. *crunch* Man, I’d kill for a chunk of one of those robot millipedes right now…"
12:00 AM — 12:59 PM
  • "Dude, I’m glad to be here inside where it’s safe. Why do you field dudes love going outside and wrangling all of those killer creatures? Whenever I ask my big bro about it, he says he thinks adventuring is fun… I think having all my limbs is pretty fun, too."
1:00 PM — 11:59 PM


  • "You look beat, dude. I got an extra energy drink here right here, if you want it! My big bro says field work is really tough. I was gonna drink it later just ‘cause I like the taste, but you could probably use it more than me."
  • "Hope you like it! But I mean, why wouldn’t you like it? Everyone knows Bombin’ Berry is the best kind!"


  • "Dude, hear me out. What if we all had a Chroma? You, me, and everyone else working here. Like… what Chroma do you think I would be?"
12:00 AM — 12:59 PM
  • "My big bro dared me to drink a Femme Serum once. It tasted kinda salty, sorta like bacon almost. I guess it wasn’t terrible but I don’t think I’d do it again."
1:00 PM — 11:59 PM


  • "Some field dudes will come in here with one of those creatures that look like they’d eat people like I eat chips. But they usually don’t bother me… maybe they’re smart enough to tell that I’m poisonous."
12:00 AM — 12:59 PM
  • "I remember watching this really old movie as a kid where some people got killed by an alien monster. And now a bunch of people are here on this planet full of alien monsters. Dude… when you really think about it, we’re the aliens here."
1:00 PM — 11:59 PM


  • "When I was on my way here I ran into that cyborg doctor lady. She’s scary… is that really who you field dudes have to go to when you’re hurt? I think I’d be too much of a wuss to ever go if she was my doctor…"
12:00 AM — 12:59 PM
  • "Hey dude, do you think I have a chance with Olivia? We have so much in common, like… like… well, we both count lots of stuff! Can you tell her I said hi next time you see her?"
1:00 PM — 11:59 PM


  • "Do you ever get worried that one of your creatures might think you’d make a nice snack? Then again, those flying spider things do look pretty tasty… I’d totally cook one on the grill. I bet their legs are real nice and crunchy."
12:00 AM — 12:59 PM
  • "Huh? What do they do with the Chroma that doesn’t get sold by the end of the day? Dunno, they just kind of… come by, take whatever I got left, give me some new boxes, and then buzz off. I just count stuff, dude."
1:00 PM — 11:59 PM


  • "Why do they call me Supply Guy? Well, it isn’t a title for one thing. Okay, like, it is, but it’s also not. See, I work in the Supply Shop, and my name is Guy. So that’s why they call me Supply Guy."
All day, except when swapped to the second dialogue
  • "Three of these, five of those… I think that’d be enough for J—oh, uh, I’m in the middle of counting! Yeah! Gotta keep track of everything. It doesn’t look good when counts are off, you know?"
Appears for 30 minutes at random times

When Logged Out

  • "Man, there’s so much to keep track of. So much to count. Sometimes I think about asking them to hire another person, but what if they did that and the newbie tries to steal my snacks?"
