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Pickup Station


Daily and Limited Pickup



Narii-Ta is an NPC in Protochroma. He can be found in Headquarters, more specifically the Pickup Station.


Narii-Ta gives the player a free item daily, along with a Food Cube. The item could be an Ammo, Serum, or rarely a rare Chroma. During a Limited Pickup, he will give the player a limited-time reward only once, which may be either an item or a creature.

Additional Lore

  • Narii-Ta is a member of a race called the Sarkiri, which are anthropomorphic reptiles adapted for life in the desert.
  • Narii-Ta was previously a space pirate at some point before joining the Intergalactic Alliance. He keeps this information secret from Lt. Steele.
  • He acts suspicious on purpose almost solely to mess with people.


Daily Dialogue


  • "Lazy day, yeah? I don't get weekends off, but I know some people do. Granted, my job is just to sit back and give everyone a freebie, so it's basically like every day's a day off. Want something random?"Available
  • "See you tomorrow. And, hey, take this. A snack for one of your critters. I snagged it from the last supply delivery. I won't tell if you won't."Claimed


  • "We've got a lot of extra stuff lying around and the IA's letting everyone take something. Only one thing per day, though, so everyone has a chance to grab something nice. Want anything?"Available
  • "Sorry, pal, you've already taken something today. Come back after midnight or so and we'll see what else is here."Claimed


  • "Hey, pal. You want something from these boxes? I can give you something random, but the rules say I can't play favourites so I can't promise anything like a Chroma. Try your luck anyway?"Available
  • "And that's that. Sorry, no, you can't have anything else today. If you're impatient you can go stand with everyone else waiting for midnight."Claimed


  • "Pal, I've been thinking. You ever look at those supply boxes and think, wow, there's so much stuff in there, nobody would miss it if I skimmed a little off the top? The rations they give could use some boosting, yeah? Heh. No, no, I'm just pulling your leg. That would be irresponsible."
The reptile glances around, as if looking for a camera.Available
  • "If I could give you more, I would. But I can't. I mean, I can't stop you if you decide to take something when my back is turned, but I wouldn't risk it, yeah?"Claimed


  • "I hear Steele has some history with fighting space pirates. You know anything about that? I mean, what's so bad about pirates? They're just out to make a living like the rest of us."Available
  • "No, I don't mean to say I'm a pirate. Definitely not. Nope, never. I also wouldn't plot anything untoward against our good Lieutenant."Claimed


  • Narii-ta seems to be asleep at the table, surrounded by boxes of Chroma, serums, and ammo. You could probably take something random without waking him up. Go for it?Available
  • As you take something, the pile in that box shifts, threatening to topple and make noise. You decide that trying to take more, or something more specific, isn't worth risking waking the lizard up.Claimed


  • "This job is boring, you know. Sitting around all day waiting for field researchers to come in, take something, ask if they can take more, get told no, then they go form a line by the door and wait for midnight. Fine, take your daily item that you could buy for a handful of Credits anyway. Maybe I should ask for a deck of cards..."Available
  • "I don't mean to snap at you, pal, it's just... I want something interesting to happen. I could be flying a ship around the galaxy right now, but nope, I've been planted on an uninhabited planet with wildlife that has a hundred ways to kill me... and I'm stuck inside."Claimed


  • Narii-Ta's species, the Sarkiri, is heavily inspired by Argonians from the Elder Scrolls franchise.
  • Despite weekly rotational dialogue being written by Keileon, Narii-Ta's artist and designer, all of his dialogue for Limited Pickups are written by Wymsical.