Luina Kuznetsov

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Luina Kuznetsov








(Currently) Flavor text



Luina Kuznetsov is an NPC in Protochroma. She can be found in Headquarters, more specifically the Lounge in Main Building.


Luina Kuznetsov's function is currently unknown, beyond flavor text.

Additional Lore


Times listed are in server time (USA Pacific, following Daylight Savings Time).

She sleeps from 7AM to 12PM everyday (unless if she is talking about Limited Delves).

While Sleeping

Looks like Luina fell asleep in one of the chairs in the lounge. You decide not to disturb her.
7:00 AM — 12:00 PM


As you enter the lounge, you catch a glimpse of Luina on her way out. Seems you just missed her.


Luina appears to be tuning her electric violin, but hastily stops on seeing you enter and sets it aside.
"Yo. …Okay, look, it’s not my fault the acoustics in the lab wing hecking suck, and I didn’t think anyone was going to be in here—"


Luina is slouching sideways in a chair, and appears to be playing a video game with a green ELEMER watching over her shoulder. You carefully avoid stepping on her tails.
"Sup. Oh, by the way, don’t sit on that chair over there. Unless you like sitting in juice. Sasser was feeling spicy today."


"I’m taking it easy today. I got a bad case of updog, see. It’s terminal, there’s no cure. I’ll be wasting away in this lounge until somebody asks me what that means and I can either say “not much, you?” or tell them it’s a funny caterpillar-looking dog thing found in the old mines, and I’ll get the strength to go on another day."
"…Yeah, that name’s my fault. One of my proudest achievements."


Luina appears to be working on a report while a green ELEMER and a ruby ELEMER playfully chase each other around her chair. She waves with one hand without looking up.
"Heya. Any chance I could bribe you to finish this for me? Hecking paperwork is so hecking boring. …Ugh, I’d probably get caught, nevermind. Last thing I want is to get in too much trouble. I just want to get in a little trouble. You know, as a treat."


Luina hisses at you when you enter, then blinks twice, smooths out her tails, and tries to play it cool.
"Whoops, heck, thought it was someone else for a second there. You didn’t do anything. That I’m aware of. Probably. I mean for all I know you could be selling creatures on the black market to someone who carts them off-world to turn them into sandwiches, but I wouldn’t hecking know about that, and also that’d be really weird when someone could just fake selling Trilopede sandwiches for way more profit and less inconvenience and also less illegal creature smuggling. Hypothetically. Also if you see Xachi give me a signal so I can get out of here before he shows up, mmkay?"

Third of Any Month

Luina walks into the lounge after you, rubbing her shoulder.
"Whew. Man, field work can take a lot out of you, huh? Thank heck we have Dr. Chanti. Have you been out on the monthly rotation yet? I just got back. …I didn’t end up drinking this, so here, you’ll probably actually need it."
(Before receiving snack)
"Yeah, I got roughed up a little out there, but still, got some good data, found some neat stuff. And at least I get to look at the doc’s cool robot arm while she gives me a checkup. It’s hecking impressive how smoothly that thing moves, have you paid attention? And apparently she can even feel it if you poke it like it’s real. Er, original. Biological? I need to ask her how it interfaces with her nervous system sometime."
(After receiving snack)

While Logged Off

  • Luina sits up straight when you enter the lounge, watching you carefully.
She doesn't seem like she wants to talk. Maybe it's because she doesn't recognise you.