Low Tide

From Protochroma Wiki
Revision as of 14:19, 18 March 2022 by imported>Gathouria (Updated the information in the Vullux Grind (now Vullux/Gemstealer Grind) with knowledge from my attack base damage data. Their elemental Earth attacks have equivalent base damage and they are the highest base damage among Tagalongs for elemental Earth attacks (Saltvine is a close second, followed a little further by Tunnelwyrm).)
Low Tide

Associated Sector

Chroma Coast

Delve Type




Rank Requirement




The Low Tide is a regular Delve associated with the Chroma Coast and containing many of its creatures as enemies.


Vullux/Gemstealer Grind

Needs more testing.

This strategy relies on Earth-elemental tagalongs to damage enemy creatures which are weak to it, the Butterfish (including the boss) and the frequently-encountered Glass-Winged Mew, while using a different elemental weapon to cover what the tagalong can't. While any Tagalong with an Earth attack will theoretically work, both Vullux and Gemstealer do the most base damage for their elemental attacks, and are thus preferred over Saltvine (second best) and Tunnelwyrm. This strategy can be used both to loop and to item grind.

  • Tagalong: Any personality with an Earth attack; lower-HP players strongly recommended to use Stoic/Valiant Vullux or Gemstealer if possible
  • Equipment: Electro-Arc Rifle + Wetsuit or Flared Blazer
  • Ammo: Scaleshredder + Dehydrator

Either the Wetsuit or Flared Blazer can be used; there are only three elemental attacks in this Delve, which are Shadow (Voidwalker), Water (Horned Tidewatcher), and Fire (Vitrevern). Of these, only Voidwalkers do not appear at random, and thus can be avoided by not selecting Bright Speck; however, they and Vitreverns can both be easily defeated with Scaleshredder ammo. Horned Tidewatchers are weak to the weapon attack, and thus go down more easily, so Flared Blazer is weakly recommended.

During battle, search only Rocky Ground (once) or Tide Pools (as needed); the other terrains do less damage on average than it's worth, and the stronger effects are rare. Attack as normal, relying on the Tagalong to help. Because Vullux and Gemstealer both have an Earth attack and a Neutral attack, they shouldn't be a hindrance in addition to the damage from your weapon. The only enemy resistant to Earth is the one that's weak against Electric. When encountering Vitreverns or Voidwalkers, you can attack Vitreverns as normal and either do the same for Voidwalkers, or use Scaleshredder ammo; Voidwalkers do high amounts of damage and can end a loop by themselves.

During Examining turns, gather items if your HP is reasonably high and otherwise focus on healing via Shallow Pool, Noné Tree, or Snacks. It's very important to keep your HP at a comfortable range during this Delve, as the larger number of rooms, the higher-damage enemies, and the high-health boss can quickly wear even experienced players down.

The boss doesn't do much damage comparatively, but it has no elemental attacks and thus cannot be resisted. Dehydrator ammo can be used to wear it down until Rapid Fire becomes available, which should be saved for this battle and used as soon as possible. The Tagalong should do more damage to it than your weapon, but personalities other than Stoic or Valiant will attack less often and this can cost the battle if your health is too low. Bad luck can very easily end this loop; it's strongly recommended to start preparing for the boss a few rooms in advance, using Snacks to heal if luck with Examine points isn't good.


Terrain Effects Description
Current's Edge Nothing
Stuck (2 turns)
The nearby water may be shallow, but there's a rip current. Always be wary of the current.
Rocky Ground Shielded (infinite turns) Rough, rugged terrain that must be traversed carefully.
Sandy Beach 8 Earth Damage
15 Damage + Stuck (2 turns)
Soft, slightly loose sand without much of note around.
Tide Pools Heal: 15 HP
5 Earth Damage + Distracted (1 turn)
Tide pools housing pockets of water and life, free from the crashing waves.

Tagalong Actions

Action Effect Context
Attack Use Basic Attack
Tagalong Injured
Distracted by Something Find Item
Find Tiny Fiery Crustacean Heal (5-15 HP) Combat
Find Something Find Item Combat
Intercept Ambush 5 Damage Combat (Start)
Looking for Something Nothing Combat
Rummage Around Area Search Reset Combat
Find Item
Stand Guard Will Intercept Ambush Examining
Survey Area Nothing Examining

Examine Points

Name Possible Results Description
Algae-covered Rock Item: Agate
Trap: Glass-Winged Mew (Emerald)
A shallow pool of water sits at the base of this rock.
Bright Speck Item: Solar Shard
Trap: Voidwalker (Emerald F)
Something in the sand is giving off an impressive glow.
Broken Shell Pile Item: Spiral Shell
Bits and pieces of shells. There might be a whole one in there somewhere.
Loose Seaweed Item: Purple Seaweed
Trap: Horned Tidewatcher (Purple)
A pile of purple seaweed.
Noné Tree Item: Noné Fruit
Heal: 20 HP
A short, stocky tree with several fruits growing on it.
Shallow Pool Item: Tiny Fiery Crustacean
Heal: 20 HP
A small pocket of saltwater that may have a thing or two swimming around in it.
Shiny Object Item: Shiny Metal Fragment
Trap: Vitrevern (Obsidian F)
Whatever this is, it's reflective enough to be seen from very far away.

Possible Enemies

Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Butterfish 70 Randomly -- Peck
Earth Water
Glass-Winged Mew 50 Randomly Higher Defense Peck
55 Randomly Higher Defense
55 Trap: Algae-covered Rock Higher Defense
Horned Tidewatcher 60 Randomly -- Spray
65 Trap: Loose Seaweed --
60 Randomly --
Vitrevern 65 Randomly -- Bite
Spit fire
70 Trap: Shiny Object --
Voidwalker 60 Trap: Bright Speck -- Tail slam
Swipe unseen


Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Butterfish 200 Boss Room 12 Peck
Earth Water

Available Items

For information on Scraps available in this Delve, refer to the Scrap table in Item List and search for relevant creatures.

Image Item Type Spawn Conditions Value (Demand)
Agate Mineral Examine: Algae-covered Rock
2 (3)
Fine Black Sand Mineral Tagalong 1 (2)
Iridescent Shell Organism Tagalong 5 (8)
Many-legged Starfish Organism Tagalong 3 (5)
Noné Fruit Flora Examine: Noné Tree
2 (3)
Purple Seaweed Flora Examine: Loose Seaweed
2 (3)
Rusted Scrapheap Artefact Tagalong 6 (9)
Sharpshell Clam Organism Tagalong 2 (3)
Shiny Metal Fragment Artefact Examine: Shiny Object
3 (5)
Solar Shard Element Examine: Bright Speck
4 (6)
Solar Sphere Element Tagalong 10 (15)
Spiral Shell Organism Examine: Broken Shell Pile
1 (2)
Tiny Fiery Crustacean Organism Examine: Shallow Pool
2 (3)