Voidwalker Hangout

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Voidwalker Hangout

Associated Sector

Chroma Coast

Delve Type

Limited Run



Rank Requirement

Junior or higher



Voidwalker Hangout is a limited run Delve associated with Chroma Coast and containing many of its creatures as potential enemies. It was introduced on June 6, 2021.

Upon completion of this Delve, a player earns a Voidwalker baby. This creature can be claimed from the main Delving page if the player has at least one Baby creature slot available and will be available indefinitely until it has been claimed.

Previous Voidwalker Hangout Dates
June 6th, 2021 — June 30th, 2021
October 1st, 2021 — October 31st, 2021
March 1st, 2022 — March 31st, 2022
September 1st, 2022 — September 30th, 2022
March 1st, 2023 — March 31st, 2023
July 1st, 2023 — July 31st, 2023
November 1st, 2023 — November 30th, 2023
April 1st, 2024 — April 30th, 2024
September 1st, 2024 — September 30th, 2024


Kelpricorn Scrap Grind

Kelpricorns cannot be found in regular Delves yet, so this strategy is built to farm them for these otherwise unobtainable items. Although players cannot reattempt Limited Run Delves after completing them in the current cycle, the boss of this Delve deals high damage; at least 50 HP to start is recommended, though depending on how the player's luck goes more may be needed.

  • Tagalong: None
  • Equipment: Umbravolver + Researcher Uniform
    • Add-On: None
  • Ammo: Scaleshredder

When Examining, search Floating Seaweed if possible, and favor Shallow Pool if not. The former can spawn a Kelpricorn as a trap, while the latter offers a heal if early in the Delve; also, Shallow Pool cannot spawn creature traps.

During normal battles, with high HP the Search option is not required, but may be useful at lower health. The Umbravolver is chosen because Kelpricorns are neutral to it, Vitreverns are weak to it, and Voidwalkers resist it. Kelpricorns can be three-shot with neutral weapons, so simply attacking these creatures should be fine. Vitreverns should be two-shot. The random encounter Sapphire Voidwalker should be hit with one Scaleshredder, and then attacked normally until defeated (one or two hits).

When encountering the boss, attack it normally until it defeats you.


Terrain Effects Description
Sandy Beach 8 Earth Damage
15 Damage + enemy Status: Stuck (2 turns)
Soft, slightly loose sand without much of note around.
Shallow Water Status: Protected (2 turns) Waist deep water that's a bit difficult to trudge through.
Tide Pools 5 Damage + enemy Staus: Distracted (1 turn)
Heal 15 HP
Tide pools housing pockets of water and life, free from the crashing waves.

Examine Points

Name Possible Results Description
Floating Seaweed Item: Purple Seaweed
Trap: Kelpricorn (M) (Purple, 60 HP)
There's a big batch of floating seaweed in the water here.
Shallow Pool Item: Tiny Fiery Crustacean
Heal: 20 HP
A small pocket of saltwater that may have a thing or two swimming around in it.
Shiny Object Item: Shiny Metal Fragment
Trap: Vitrevern (F) (Obsidian, 70 HP)
Whatever this is, it's reflective enough to be seen from very far away.

Possible Enemies

Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Kelpricorn 60 Trap: Floating Seaweed -- Drown creature
Tail smack
Electric Water
60 Randomly --
Vitrevern 65 Randomly -- Bite
Spit fire
70 Trap: Shiny Object --
Voidwalker 65 Randomly -- Tail slam
Swipe unseen


Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Voidwalker 150 Boss Room 6 Tail slam
Swipe unseen

Available Items

For information on Scraps available in this Delve, refer to the Scrap table in Item List and search for relevant creatures.

Image Item Type Spawn Conditions Value (Demand)
Agate Mineral Tagalong 2 (3)
Many-legged Starfish Organism Tagalong 3 (5)
Purple Seaweed Flora Examine: Loose Seaweed
2 (3)
Shiny Metal Fragment Artefact Examine: Shiny Object 3 (5)
Solar Shard Element Tagalong 4 (6)
Tiny Fiery Crustacean Organism Examine: Shallow Pool
2 (3)