Project Portal

From Protochroma Wiki
Revision as of 21:27, 1 April 2023 by Konz (talk | contribs) (→‎Racer Refuge: that's all the time i have for now, more to be added next time)

This page is intended to serve as a place for editors to discuss what pages need to be made and how to go about making them. Feel free to add your own section, comment on other users' sections, or work on pages which have been linked here for work. When you feel that the project you started has been completed, feel free to delete it from this page. Please do not delete projects you did not start, unless the information has been added to the target page in full.

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Item List

The Item List page should now be complete with all item information currently known to the wiki. Stuff still needed:

  • Supply shop items (only Rare Chromas have been added)
  • Scrap info for Cloaked Shrubstalker, since we still don't know their rarities or descriptions.

Formatting may also need to be adjusted for the tables as we find the best way to layout information. Gathouria (talk) 09:55, 7 June 2021 (UTC)

Damage Output

I'm taking data on how much damage enemies, Tagalongs, and the player can do, and have a lot of data, but not sure where the best place to put this info would be. Since it's a huge chunk of data text, I'll link to what's currently collected. Gathouria (talk) 20:41, 23 May 2021 (UTC)

Shielded, resisted, and super effective damage is all collected separately, which will hopefully allow us to do math to get the base damage for everything and see which way things round in damage math.

New Release Wiki Checklist

New Creature Release

New Delve Checklist

  • New section in Project Portal using any older Delve page as template. The delve table may be pasted in as is until it's time to move them to their own template pages.
  • Test for weakness/resistance on brand new creature encounters, and whether the encounter has higher defense or not (19-25 DPS average neutral attack is normal defense; higher defense about ~16-18, formidable ~8-10.)
  • Gather all possible items in the delve's Available Items table (excluding scraps)

Once that's done:

Other New Content Checklist

  • Limited Pickup for new limited pickups (if it is a brand new creature, label it as such until the species name is revealed)
  • Add any new/additional dialogue to relevant NPC page
  • New NPCs: use any existing NPC page as a template, and update NPC
  • New non-sector locations: Headquarters if applicable
  • Core features/mechanics, such as trading and cross-player breeding

Great Plume / Excavation

A page with table will go up soon, we just need to know if some of these resources are only found through specific actions.

Reward Pool

This section is just here to track what can be found via Excavation at the Great Plume, because I'm not sure if it's any resource or just specific ones.

(Also note which action, solo or in group, was used to acquire the resource.)

  • Circuit Board Piece
  • Fossilized Talon (solo)
  • Gold Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Petrified Bark (group)
  • Probably A Plant (solo)
  • Rock Kernel
  • Twitching Vine

Racer Refuge

Racer Refuge is a limited run Delve associated with Galeful Marsh and containing many of its creatures as potential enemies. It was introduced on April 1, 2023.

Upon completion of this Delve, a player earns a Neon Racer baby. This creature can be claimed from the main Delving page if the player has at least one Baby creature slot available and will be available indefinitely until it has been claimed.

Previous Racer Refuge Dates
April 1st, 2023 — April 30th, 2023


Tagalong Actions

Couple of things listed below may need to be verified.

Action Effect Context
Attack Use Basic Attack
Tagalong Injured
Distracted by Something Find Item
Find Tiny Fiery Crustacean Heal (5-15 HP) Combat
Find Something Find Item Combat
Intercept Ambush 5 Damage Combat (Start)
Looking for Something Nothing Combat
Rummage Around Area Search Reset Combat
Find Item
Stand Guard Will Intercept Ambush Examining
Survey Area Nothing Examining


Terrain Effects Description
Dense Fog Protected (2 turns) Dense fog that's difficult to see through.
Shallow Water Protected (2 turns) Waist deep water that's a bit difficult to trudge through.

Examine Points

Some things in the unknown results are just there as template (currently don't know if anything heals).

Name Possible Results Description
Broken Metal Structure Item: Shiny Metal Fragment
Trap: ?? (Pink, ?? HP)
An especially worn-down diamond-shaped structure.
Purple Pool Item: ??
Trap: Xirotefani (Purple, 65 HP)
A pool of purple-hued water with a batch of bugs floating around its edge.
Thick Grass Patch Item: ??
Heal: ?? HP
This part of the tall grass is rustling.

Possible Enemies

Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Kovul 75 Trap: Thick Grass Patch -- Bite
75 Randomly
Neon Racer 60 Randomly Higher Defense Bite
Tail Smack
Neutral Air
Xirotefani 65 Trap: Purple Pool -- Bite
Glowing Gem
Earth Solar
65 Randomly
  • Remember to also make individual templates for creatures for their pages (do this once all enemies, including boss, are fully recorded).


Species Image HP Spawn Conditions Additional Notes Attacks Weaknesses Resistances
Neon Racer 130 Room 6 Higher Defense Bite
Tail Smack
Neutral Air

Available Items

For information on Scraps available in this Delve, refer to the Scrap table in Item List and search for relevant creatures.

Image Item Type Spawn Conditions Value (Demand)
Example Example Example 0 (0)


  • Racer Refuge is the first Galeful Marsh Delve to be added since the introduction of the Sector.